01/11/23 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, Tennessee
Description: My 100th live performance. With music by Christopher Fleeger as part of the Exhibition "Right Side Up Again".
04/01/17 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, Tennessee
Description: Clipping, Natural Black Invention, She Blinded Me With Boxcutters. (I did the Electric Shaman performance.)
10/28/16 - Local 506
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Description: Guest appearance did "Hide and Play Dead" with Clipping, Youth Code, Roseclouds.
09/11/16 - 9/11 NOISEFEST
Austin, Texas
Description: Live performance with too many to list.
09/10/16 - Cherry Park
Austin, Texas
Description: 9/11 pre show. Live performance collab with Mannequin Hollowcaust. First time doing electrical performance.
09/09/16 - Void castle
Denton, Texas
Description: Mannequin Hollowcaust, Filth, Sarah Ruth, Junior Wayne & Princess Haultaine III, Crisis Actor and two poets Morgan Lionheart and Tara Lynn Hunter.
07/11/16 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, Tennessee
Description: Live A capella poetry performance with Compulsion Analysis, Ah Pook and Andy the Doorbum.
06/16/16 - Collectif MU at The Station
Paris, France
Description: Outdoor festival performance with Gäel Segalen, Joachim Montessuis, Evil Moisture, New Crium Delirium Erratum Coyote Circus.
05/23/16 - Moviate Underground
Harrisburg, PA
Description: Live performance with Z'EV
10/23/15 - Cheapfest VI
Richmond, Virginia
Description: Live performance with too many to list. My first time using Bees in a Microwave solo.
09/12/15 - Vinyl Edge Records
Houston, Texas
Description: Mannequin Hollowcaust, An Innocent Young Throat Cutter (!st live appearance), Illicit Relationship, Peiiste, S. Skinner & J. Valdez.
09/11/15 - 9/11 NOISEFEST
Austin, Texas
Description: Live performance with too many to list.
09/10/15 - Cherry Park
Austin, Texas
Description: 9/11 pre show. Live performance collabs chosen by Jonathan Cash. I played with John Madigan Maloney.
09/09/15 - Saturn Bar
New Orleans, Louisiana
Descripption: Mannequin Hollowcaust, Herr Schmitt.
08/29/15 - Baño de Artaud
Johnson City, TN
Description: Filled in for Dan Rouse who was sick and read other people's poems.
03/07/15 - KRAAK '15
Aalst, Belgium
Description: Live performance with Razen. Other performances by Sea Urchin, Mathieu Serrruys, Neutral, Madalyn Merkey, Kraus, Vex Ruffin, Aine O'Dwyer, Young Marble Giants, Rodion GA, and Yong Yong.
10/16/14 - LUFF '14
Lausanne, Switzerland
Description: Live performance with John Duncan titled, "Under the Influence of Torture". Tetsuo Furudate, Aaron Dilloway, Robert Curgenven, The Belles Noiseuses and many more.
09/27/14 - Whitechapel Gallery
London, UK
Description: "Spoken Weird" performances with Adam Bohman, Maya Dunietz and Tom White, Stephen Ball, David Blamey, Anouchka Grose.
10/26/13 - Strangematter
Richmond, Virgnia
Description: Live performance with Mutwawa. Mannequin Hollowcaust, Laundry Room Squelchers, Drums Like Machine Guns, Breakdancing Ronald Reagan, Dromez, Clang Quartet, Tinnitustimulus, Narwhalz (of sound), Contortionist Jazz Exotica, Pregnant Spore, Flesh Control and many many more.
10/17/13 - LUFF '13
Lausanne, Switzerland
Description: Leif Elggren, JG Thirlwell, Jason Lescalleet, Aluk Todolo, Blackphone666
12/08/12 - MK Gallery "Secret Anarchy Garden"
Milton Keynes, UK
Description: Stream of Unconscious performance with Anthony Donovan. Dylan Nyoukis, Blood Stereo, Daniel Spicer, Sharon Gal, Adam Bohman & Adrian Northover, Tom White.
11/30/12 - Arnolfini
Bristol, UK
Description: Daku (Excerpt) at Extreme Rituals Festival.
11/25/12 - Grrrnd Zero
Lyon, France
Description: With Rudolf, Joachim Montessuis
11/24/12 - Cave 12
Geneva, Switzerland
Description: Daku (First Performance). With Rudolf, Joachim Montessuis
11/23/12 - Embobineuze
Marseille, France
Description: With Rudolf, Joachim Montessuis
11/21/12 - Instants Chavirez
Paris, France
Description: With Rudolf, Joachim Montessuis
11/02/12 - The Black Lodge
Huntington, WV
Description: With Zack Kouns and Mannequin Hollowcaust
11/03/12 - The Lodge
Athens, OH
Description: With Zack Kouns and Mannequin Hollowcaust
09/15/11 - Cafe 529
Atlanta, GA
Description: With Sudden Infant, Hopi Torvald, Graham Moore
06/25/11 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: "Bed Bugs" LP Release Party with The Subliminator, Cycles, Compulsion Analysis and Kaontrol Kontraos.
05/26/11 - JJ's Bohemia
Chattanooga, TN
Description: "Dystopia 3.0" with Rat Babies, Neon Viking Funeral, Denounce, Secret Guilt, Pinkie the Princess of Pain and Lazarus Hellgate.
03/26/11 - The Green Womb
Nashville, TN
Description: Spirit Iron Knife, The Growth, Mannequin Hollowcaust, Hostage Pageant and more.
03/25/11 - Meow Manor
Murfreesboro, TN
Description: The Growth, Extreme Teen Bible, Mannequin Hollowcaust, Hostage Pageant, Terror'ish.
11/05/10 - La Casa Encendida
Madrid, Spain
Description: Yuxtaposiciones 2010 Festival with Linton Kwesi Johnson, Dirk Huelstrunk and Eloy Fernández Puerta.
09/23/10 - Eyedrum
Atlanta, GA
Description: Hopi Torvald, Graham Moore & Mike (Offerings)
09/21/10 - The Triple
Richmond, VA
Description: Hostage Pageant, Headmolt, Positivland, Scrappy Happy
09/20/10 - 700 Social Club
Wilmington, DE
Description: Hostage Pageant, Joe Breittenbach, Vales, Raw Kale, Weed Wolf
09/19/10 - JR's
Philadelphia, PA
Description: Hostage Pageant, Drums Like Machine Guns
Sat. 09/18/10 - Moviate
Harrisburg, PA
Description: Hostage Pageant, Emma Cora
09/17/10 - The Shop
Pittsburgh, PA
Description: Hostage Pageant, Requiem, Illusion of Safety, Travis Bird & Dan Burke, Hunted Creatures
09/1610 - The Funeral Home
Buffalo, NY
Description: Hostage Pageant, Pacing, VWLS, Poverty Hymns, Gregorian Knights
09/15/10 - Now That's Class
Cleveland, OH
Description: Shadow Self, Hostage Pageant, Lucha Eterna, Blood Bath and Beyond
09/1410 - Basement
Athens, OH
Description: Hostage Pageant, Nyodene D, Vivi C. Diem, Bobb Hatt
09/13/10 - Battery Cages
Dayton, OH
Description: "Exquisite Sonic Corpse" recording session (did not perform)
09/12/10 - Far House
Ann Arbor, MI
Description: Hostage pageant
09/11/10 - Goat Shed
Dayton, OH
Description: "Radix Show", Hostage Pageant, Orgasmic Response Unit, Teeth Collection + Mandible , Girlface Girl
09/10/10 - The Mockbee via Bunk
Cincinnati, OH
Description: Hostage Pageant, Realicide
09/06/10: - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: "N.D.E. Tour Kickoff"Hostage Pageant, Justice Yeldham, Solypsis
07/28/10 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: "Radix w/ M. Peck", Hostage Pageant, M. Peck, The Growth
06/22/10 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: "Near Death Experience" LP Release Party with Blue Sabbath Black Fiji, Compulsion Analysis, The Growth
06/17/10 - ProjexX
Johnson City, TN
Description: "The Reasons Why I Dream With Knives" show, with Rebecca Nagle.
05/16/10 - Palau de la Virreina
Barcelona, Spain
Description: The International Poetry Festival (The Ugly Americans) with: Bibbe Hansen, Eugene S. Robinson, Lydia Lunch.
05/12/10 - KKWNE
Paris, France
Description: "The Reasons Why I Dream With Knives" with Anton Mobin & Colin Johnco.
05/10/10 - La Suite / Centre Culturel Alternatif
Paris France
Description: "Near Death Experience" LP release party with: The Art of 2 1/2, and Pute au bored de l'eau.
05/07/10 - Gaengeviertel
Paris (live streamed to venue in Hamburg)
Description: With Joachim Montessuis.
04/29/10 - La Miroiterie
Paris, France
Description: (No video, no music, no mic, just extreme vocals. With Super SS.
12/12/09 - Ratward
Richmond, Virginia
Description: Headmolt, Buck Gooter, The Growth
12/11/09 - Pageant: Soloveev Gallery
Philadelphia, PA
Description: With The Growth, Unicorn Hardon, Leslie Keffer & Scott Martin, White Suns, Fuck Montreal, Form A Log
12/09/09 - Garfield Artworks
Pittsburgh, PA
Description: With Coyotes By The Way, The Growth, RJ Myato, Requiem
12/08/09 - The Little Grill Collective
Harrisonburg, VA
Description: With Buck Gooter, The Growth, Bengine and Hostetter
04/18/2009 - The Farm House
Pounding Mill, Virginia
Description: Mannequin Hollowcaust & William Wesley & the Tiny Sockets
03/28/09 - The Green Womb
Nashville, TN
Description: with Todd (Kaontrol Kontraos manipulating my vocals), Language of Light, Waters Martin Woodwind and Fire, and Double Dragon
03/07/2009 - The Screamin Eagle Pub
Ypsilanti, Michigan
Description: with Mannequin Hollowcaust, The Petafylers, Trace the Veins
03/06/2009 - Trumbullplex
Detroit, Michigan
Description: with Mannequin Hollowcaust, Fascist Insect, Err
03/05/2009 - The Raw Haus
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Description: Mannequin Hollowcaust, Texas Prison Rodeo, Dr. Device and Counter Cosby
03/04/2009 - Dayton Dirt Collective
Dayton, Ohio
Description: Mannequin Hollowcaust, Andersen Prunty, Evolve & Swill, and John Maloney
01/30/2009 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: Michael Peck’s "Dysmha" CD release party. With M. Peck, Mark Mahoney, and Dirt Worship. (For the finale we all played together and I read the "CDC FAQ about HPV".)
01/10/2009 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
With Subliminator, Tree Creature & Dirt Worship.
Description: I did Chinese Rock 'n' Roll karaoke with no music, Loopies & R.L.S. Pig Fucking Story
11/22/2008 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
With Killbot, Mannequin Hollowcaust and M. Peck.
Description: "Busting Open" CD release party: Nikki & Jason Engagement Party - "Wanted" & Brain Death
11/19/2008 - The New Music House
Tallahassee, Florida
With Irene Moon & BARNWAVE
Description: Bed Bugs II
11/14/2008 - Black Box Collective
Orlando, Florida
Description: Quarterly Noise Report 1st quarter disclosure proceedings + Noise Briefing Two day Noise Symposium - (Too many bands to list)
10/17/08 - E.T.S.U.
Johnson City, TN
Description: Homecoming Poetry Jam / Saul Williams (Short tales from jail)
10/11/08 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
With: Xrin Arms, Mannequin Hollowcaust, Killbot
Description: I Performed "Bed Bugs II" / Xrin Arms last tour.
08/02/08 - Chez Seany Poo
Nashville, TN
With: The Growth, Them Natives, Leslie Keffer & Val Martino, Tiny Concept, Lost October, Projexorcism
07/07/2008 - Pehrspace
Los Angeles, California
With: Captain Ahab, Cabinet of Natural Curiosities, Kevin Shields and Christopher Cichocki.
07/06/2008 - The Witchdome
Sacramento, California
With: Captain Ahab, Green Greenz
07/05/2008 - Hemlock Tavern
San Francisco, California
With: Battlehooch, 60 Watt Kid and Captain Ahab
07/04/2008 - Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, California
With: Captain Ahab, Bloody Snowman +
Description: "4th of July Party in the Park"
07/01/2008 - Chasers
San Diego, California
With Captain Ahab and The Yiffs
06/29/2008 - The Smell
Los Angeles, California
With Captain Ahab, Warm Streams, Xrin Arms, Flaspar, I.E., Holy Water
Description : Cool In The Pool Day 1
03/28/2008 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
With Steve Mackay and Radon Ensemble, The Growth, and The Scams.
Description: I read Hipponax & Archilochus
03/03/2008 - Chez Seany Poo
Nashville, TN
With Lucas Abela/Justice Yeldham, Koonda Holaa, Language of Light, Leslie Keffer.
Description: "Sign It ! (Live) Performance
11/28/2007 - Emmetrop
Bourges, France
Description:"Sex, Drugs and Institutions" Live solo performance.
11/24/2007 - CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art
Bordeaux, France
Description: Burn Out - Post Crash (Festival) with: Giuseppe lelasi + Thomas Ankersmit (Italie/Pays Bas), Samon Takahashi (France), Jorg Piringer (Autriche), Raionbashi and Kutzkelina (Berlin), Manuela Barile (Italie).
11/22/2007 - Palais De Tokyo
Paris, France
Description:Erratum Presents: Art Noise Poetry. With Jorg Piringer. I did "Sex, Drugs and Institutions" for "The Third Mind".
11/20/2007 - Bowery Poetry Club
New York, New York
Description: Study Abroad on the Bowery Presents: On Craft- Bryan Lewis Saunders speaks on "How I got into the art of Spoken Word in Tennessee and why he calls his work, "Stand-Up Tragedy". He also discusses influences such as Lydia Lunch, Steven Jesse Bernstein and the likes.
10/13/2007 - The Springwater
Nashville, TN
Description: With The Mattoid, and The Aquariums
10/07/2007 - The Gypsy Hut
Cincinnati, Ohio
Description: With Realicide, Foreign Soil
10/06/2007 - Jono's house
Dayton, Ohio
Description: With Being, Jono, Robert Inhuman
08/22/2007 - Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: With Realicide, Captain Ahab, The Growth. (Captain Ahab was confrontational with love.)
06/29/2007 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: With Realicide + Kevin Shields + Tik///tik + Mannequin H. (Stacie got kicked and I got choked show.)
06/13/2007 - KHM
Cologne, Germany
Description:"Public Service Announcement" Solo video show in TV studio with agressive narration.
06/10/2007 - Trodler-Bar
Berlin, Germany
Description: "Fuel" - With Zen Paradox & Stop the Disco Mafia.
05/18/2007 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: With Z'ev + Sikhara + The Growth + Legions of Destro Iscariot. (Magical)
05/11/2007 10:30 PM - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: With Ocoai, Stopsign Asshole, The Scams. (Travis and Sarah Wedding Anniversary Party)
04/27/2007 10:00 PM - The Hideaway
Johnson City, Tennessee
Description: With Hentai Lacerator. (My first show with videos)
09/14/2006 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: With Disco Dis' Don't and Grand Buffet.
08-25-06 - The Hideaway
Johnson City, TN
Description: With the Growth. (I was sucker punched on stage by an audience member.)
05-06-05 - Desalle Auditorium / Cranbrook Museum
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Description: Cranbrook Video Fest 2005. "Where's Mao Now When You Need Him ?"
04-13-05 - E. Walnut St.
Johnson City, TN
Description: "Where's Mao Now When You Need Him ?"