18 November 2020
JND is how I've been able to continue experimenting with art and life. By creating a journal about my life and drawing experiments I produce something that I can then sell to fund the next series of experiments and journals. I think of it like a feedforward loop that allows me to do what I love and have each experiment support the next without any gallery representation or having to sell the original art that I create during the experiments. All of my experimental art must stay together for future mind blowing museum exhibitions. “Just Noticeable Difference” is how I've solved that problem. When you purchase an issue of JND you are directly funding the next experiences of my life and art as well as bringing them to a larger audience and for that I am entirely grateful! - Bryan
"Sensations" with Nicole Bailey
Signed and Numbered
51 Pages, 43 images
Issue No. 9 of Just Noticeable Difference chronicles my most joyous and pleasurable physiological drawing experiments ever! "Sensations" was a collaborative work with Nicole Bailey in which we used drawing as a means to express and compare our physical feelings with each other while engaging in a wide variety of intimate activities. Until now, we've only shown them in gallery settings. We made the work by taking turns stimulating each other physically in different ways while drawing what we were feeling and then afterwards we would compare the two images to see the similarities and differences between how we experienced those pleasurable feelings. We didn't see each other's sensations before we had experienced, interpreted and expressed our own. This one experiment of ours has been exhibited almost as many times as the "Under the Influence" experiment, and we have never posted these images on the internet. The widespread interest in this work was largely the result of author and sex blogger Agnès Giard's article in the French newspaper Libération which we have included the English translation along with the original interview that she did with us.
Issue 9 "Sensations" with Nicole Bailey (18+)
Prices include shipping. Use drop down menu to select the proper shipping location for you:
Local Pick-Up - 40$
USA - 45$
Canada - 57.50$
Rest of the World - 64.50$
"Third Ear Experiment (Deaf Month)"
Signed and Numbered
108 Pages, 127 images
Issue No. 8 of Just Noticeable Difference chronicles one of my most intense physiological experiments ever. The "Third Ear Experiment" AKA the "Deaf Month". In 2012, from October 6th to September 30th, I tried to make myself deaf, which is an impossible task for a hearing person. I put military wax ear plugs in my ears and then put vaseline on top of them, then I pressed cotton balls into the vaseline and duc-taped my ears shut. Then I placed sound isolation headphones on over my ears, strapped a copper funnel to my mouth, and set out to see what would happen. The experience was at times enlightening and at other times torturous and truly grueling. The last 10 days of the experiment were spent hallucinating 24/7. It was the most I have ever hallucinated in my life. In the end I was left asking myself, was this experience really spiritual or was I psychotic? Or was all of this the result of copper poisoning? Throughout the experience I went through four different stages of hearing: Personal Silence, Literal Silence, the Frequency Symphony, and the Four Basic Elements of Sound. The last stage of which lasted for four months after the experiment had concluded. The text of this 8th issue of Just Noticeable Difference is made up of messages between myself and the producer of the experiment, Brant Withers, along with my posts, and comments between myself and members of the secret Third Ear Experiment Facebook group that I used for moral and creative support. By the end of the experiment I had listed 16 categories of discoveries and new artistic territories left for me to pursue, and I surely could have spent the rest of my life pursuing them. In the end, I decided that it was all just too overwhelming and I moved on. The issue concludes with an interesting interview I did with Agnès Giard for the French newspaper, Libération, about the experiment. Included in this issue are tons of daily-self-portraits and photographic images documenting the experience making it the second largest issue to date.
Issue 8 "Third Ear Experiment (Deaf Month)"
Prices include shipping. Use drop down menu to select the proper shipping location for you:
Local Pick-Up - 70$
USA - 75$
Canada -85$
Rest of the World - 94.50$
"Vow of Silence"
Signed and Numbered
68 Pages, 59 images
Issue No. 6 of Just Noticeable Difference is an in depth look at my vow of silence. From September 21st to October 20th, 2000 I stopped communicating with everyone verbally. For this issue, I compiled all of the daily-self-portraits I made during my month long vow of silence, along with a few, very brief words or notes that I only recently discovered on the backs of some of the drawings while scanning them. Also, with this issue comes all of the entries from my art journal leading up to, during, and after the vow. As you will read, it was a period of tremendous emotional intensity and madness for me, and in that regard the journal is extremely revealing.
Issue 6 "Vow of Silence"
Prices Include shipping. Use drop down menu to select the proper shipping location for you:
Local Pick-Up - 40$
USA - 45$
Canada - 57.50
Rest of the World - 64.50
"The Color Months"
Signed and Numbered
160 Pages, 230 images
For Issue No. 5 of Just Noticeable Difference I've combined 5 different month long experiments living and drawing under the influence of colored floodlights. Beginning in 1998 and continuing up until this year. The book is divided up into the following color months: Yellow, Red, Blue, Pink Quarantine and Green Quarantine. Super thick with images of my psychological condition fluctuating from day to day under the pressure of intense colored light.
Issue 5 "The Color Months"
Prices include shipping.
Local Pick-Up - 85$
USA - 90$
Canada - 100.50$
Rest of the World - 109.50$
Use drop down menu below to select the proper shipping location for you:
"Under the Influence"
Signed and Numbered
107 Pages, 130 images (newly photographed with better coloring than any other scans before)
20+ Images never before seen!
For the next issue of Just Noticeable Difference I have finally taken the time needed to present almost all of my drawings under the influence. All of these years I had misremembered how the experiment began. Reading the backs of the original drawings and notes in my sketchbooks I rediscovered the origins of this experiment and after almost 20 years I finally took time off to answer the questions I’m always asked but skip over in interviews, "How did the different drugs affect your creativity?" I go into great detail about that. I have included many many stories too. Some of them are funny but I do caution that some of the stories may be a bit upsetting. The issue is divided into four sections: The Experiment, Under the Influence, Psilocybin and the Inkblot Test, and Benzodiazapine Withdrawal. This is a kickass issue!
Issue 4 "Under the Influence"
Prices include shipping. Use drop down menu to select the proper shipping location for you:
Local Pick-Up - 70$
USA - 75$
Canada - 85$
Rest of the World - 94.50$
"Human Temperature Control"
Signed and Numbered
52 Pages with 96 images
Contains previous temperature experiments plus, "Thermoregulation Month", "Thermoreception Studies", "Temperature Permutations" and "Temperature Twister" alongside fragments from my art journal made at the time of these experiments.
Issue 3 "Human Temperature Control"
Prices include shipping. Use drop down menu to select the proper shipping location for you:
Local Pick-Up - 45$
USA - 50$
Canada - 62.50
Rest of the World - 69.50
"30 Days Totally Blind"
Signed and Numbered
58 Pages with over 111 images
Contains transcriptions of my audio art journal from the month I was blind, along with my "Daily-Self-Portraits", illustrations of "Life-Hacks" and "Observations and Experiences" and "Rhythmic Tapping Pencil Songs" all created during the month I was blind.
Issue 2 "30 Days Totally Blind"
Prices include shipping. Use drop down menu to select the proper shipping location for you:
Local Pick-Up - 40$
USA - 45$
Canada - 57.50
Rest of the World - 64.50
"Sexual Arousal"
Signed and Numbered
38 Pages with 43 images
Contains 4 bodies of work created during the Sexual Arousal Month: "Paroxysms", "Face Traces", "Daily-Self-Portraits" and "Sensory Transmissions".
Issue 1 "Sexual Arousal"
Prices include shipping. Use drop down menu to select the proper shipping location for you:
Local Pick-Up - 40$
USA - 45$
Canada - 57.50
Rest of the World - 64.50